Decorate Our Home with Grape Trellis

Grape trellis are house decoration from grape plants that usually installed in front of the house or in the backyard. We can use the vineyard not only to produce grapes, but also to decorate our landscape. Instead, grapes also known as “the fruit of gods” so if we decorate our home with grape, it can give a natural look and it is a wonderful experience. If we want to have an own vineyard, we need to build the trellis by ourselves. The trellis must support the plant and fruit weight.

Decorate Our Home with Grape Trellis

The Things We Have to Consider to Make Grape Trellis

We have to consider these things in making the trellis:

⦁ The material
First of all, we have to make sure that we use the high quality for our trellis. We should remember that the trellis will be used for both dry and cold season. We can make a big mistake if we use the low quality one because we choose the cheapest material, such as ordinary woods. It can be shattered in long time because the trellis must be put outside. The best material for making trellis is steels. Of course, it is expensive at the first time, but it can be long-lasting.

⦁ The height
Generally, the trellis must be high when we live in a place that exposed to the sun or hot area. It can maximize the growing of grape plants. On the contrary, if we live in cold area like in mountain area, we should build the lower trellis.

⦁ The maintenance
We should observe the trellis as often as possible and if there are some damages, eventhough just a little thing, we should fix them as soon as possible.

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Why not to make the grape trellis as our home decoration? Besides it can beautify our home, we can enjoy the harvest. Grapes are expensive fruit, right?
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